Was in an Acquisition match last night defending Aralkum Mechanical. DOA was attacking right side bunkers (defenders view). While I was trying to repair everything that you guys were blowing up, I think everyone in the group got me at least once. I was 0-8 after taking deaths from NerdHerder, Garmug, Poachiche(sp?), and Gor-Gor (probably a couple others, but those were the names I noticed).
As I sit repairing the gate and took my 9th death before recording a kill, froze up. I am quite sure, you guys won that one pretty easily. I wish you all could have been listening to the squad I had that game. 6 of the 8 didn't speak english. However, even though I didn't speak the language, you could tell they were very overwhelmed. Was actually quite funny, knowing what my squad was up against. Wish I could have finished that one out, but have a feeling there were only a few minutes left before it ended.
Probably would have ended with a few more deaths, but at least one kill would have been nice in that one before I froze up, LOL.